Volunteer of the Year

- 2024: Rex Vandermark
- 2023: Ike Wampler
- 2022: Nico Franano
- 2021: All Volunteers
- 2020: Greg Goodpasture
- 2019: Tony Jeffries
- 2018: Cindy Pearson
- 2017: Joel Oster
- 2016: Bruce Ratliff
- 2015: Ken Porter
- 2014: Bill and Ginny Harrison
- 2013: Ken Rodgers
- 2012: Cyn Melvin
- 2011: Tom Fleming
- 2010: Sue Frank
- 2009: Mike Hogan
- 2008: Donna LeCrone
- 2007: Bernie Miesse
- 2006: Rick and Nancy Minton
- 2005: Joyce Williams
- 2004: Kenneth Starr
- 2003: Jan Catherwood

Cindy Pearson
Cindy has been a volunteer for several years in the Press Room. She is a part of our “Thursday AM” team…the group that works the first shift and sets the pace for the balance of the Tournament.
During the 2017 Tournament, unbeknownst to anyone, the “normal process” for the securing/posting scores had changed. The team was informed of this change after play had already started. Given the co-chairs were elsewhere on the course, Cindy . . . without hesitation, stepped up to the plate to see what she could do to assist. She asked questions, evaluated the new equipment, and assessed how it aligned with our boards/current process of posting scores. There were several trials and variations tested until the best process was determined.
The story doesn’t end there…Cindy also realized that every shift would have challenges. Looking at our Volunteer schedule for the week, she also identified we had many new volunteers that year. She asked to work every day or at least come in at the start of each shift in order to make sure all volunteers were trained on the new equipment, knew the goals of the job and ensure the Press Room ran without issue. She ended up working 12 shifts in total when she had only originally committed to working three shifts for the week.
She expanded her schedule to work the entire tournament in order to keep everyone informed; her personal goal was continue to maintain the smooth operation and professionalism needed in this area. Additionally, post-tournament, I received a letter from Cindy providing hindsights on the week and her suggestions for next year!
Her pride in and dedication for the Press Room and the Tournament is unsurpassed. Her on-the-spot leadership and quick-thinking ensured scores were posted in a timely manner which is essential to this fast-paced area. Her actions were selfless…she personified the definition of a Memorial Tournament Volunteer!
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